I Know What You Can Do This Summer!

Very simple, really!

For a student, we find a corporate internship.

And for a corporate, we find a student intern.

Magic? Not really. We at DUPlacements have painstakingly put together the database of students from universities and colleges across the country. Sometimes, we’ve visited the campuses, other times, we’ve just asked for information. But at all times, we’ve kept our experience in mind, which showed us how difficult it is to find data on students at any one place – and more importantly, at a reasonable price!

Just last year, we were out looking for interns to help us with our growing training and recruitment business. When we finally found some students, they worked very well for us. They were smart, eager to learn, and brought a passion and energy to the entire office. In short, they were a breath of fresh air.

You, as a corporate, too can bring a whiff of freshness in to your work. Stir things up a bit. Access our data on students to find the right ones for your requirements. Forget about going to campuses and putting up posters. Simply press the right keys on your laptop.

Our service is absolutely free for corporates.

Even as a student, you can register for free. But you will have to pay a subscription fee of Rs 500 (that’s about the price of one movie outing) a year to apply for internships. We’ve done this simply to make sure that only students who are serious about an internship leave their information on the portal.

In case you still have difficulties figuring this thing out, drop us an email at students@duplacements.com, or better still, call us .. 011 - 46573694/ 96/ 98, +91 99582 93742